Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Fun in the wagon

Our 10 year old golden retriever, Callie, has a tumor on her back leg and can no longer walk for any distance so we decided that we could "walk" her in Anna's wagon. Well, Anna thought this was great and they had a good time together. It breaks my heart to see Callie in this condition (she was my baby before Anna) but we give her the best quality of life possible and she is happy.

Anna is panting like Callie

I swear Callie is smiling, don't you think!!


What a way to go for a walk.

She is huggin on Callie. Callie was a little nervous about this
wagon ride at first.

Another Florida Vacation

Steve, Anna and I went to Florida and we had a wonderful time. Very relaxing. It is nice to be home and the weather has been great - finally!!

1, 2, 3 jump!!

Anna made a friend at the beach. This is Megan.

Anna, Megan and Megan's brother Bradford

Ready for bed after fun in the sun

Beach at sunset

The protective dad

Anna & Mom Mom

I love to be thrown up in the air

More jumping

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Enjoying the Beach at Sunset

So beautiful. Love sunsets at the beach.

Almost gone...

She loves Aunt Lisa or Aunt Leese like Anna calls her.

I love the beach and sand!!

Easter / Spring Time Fun

My sister and I decided to hit the road (and ditch the bad weather) and we drove to visit my mom in Naples, FL for Easter. LONG drive but we had a great time. Just a few pictures of our trip.

Easter morning. It was so nice to not have to put a t-shirt and tights
on Anna. Bare legs, sandals and a short-sleeved dress!!

Mom-mom came through with a great Easter basket. She is holding
one of her favorite things - M&Ms.

Having a little tea party.

Stylin by the pool!

Getting some love from cousin Katie or as Anna calls her "Kiki."
They had a great time together.