Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Memorial Day Weekend

We had a very relaxing weekend at home. Here are some pictures from hangin in the backyard to attending our local Memorial Day Parade.
Doing some clean up in the garden.

Her eyes are open (even though it doesn't look like it).
Can't be too careful while driving our car.
We had to get a new tree in our front yard (you can see the stump from the old tree the City had to cut down). We know that by the time Anna is 20 or older, the tree will finally have grown so we decided that on every Memorial Day weekend we would take Anna's picture in front of it to see her growth as well as the trees growth.
Looking at what is coming in the parade.
A big thank you to our veterans for serving their country. These gentlemen (were so proud). Another thank you to my father-in-law who served in the Army in the Korean War and my father who served in the Coast Guard. They served their country well and for that we are very grateful.

Not sure what she is pointing at.
She's just a flag waving American!!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

The Past Few Weeks

Haven't posted in a while so here are some pictures from the past few weeks.

Anna learned about Queen Esther in Sunday School and proudly wore her crown all the way home and sat so nice for a photo shoot!!

Coloring makes me thirsty.

This is Anna waiting for the school bus that comes by everyday at 7:30 a.m. She always waves and says "bye kids."

We always host Mother's Day and this is an annual photo. There are a couple people missing. My mother (who is still enjoying Florida) and my niece Jenny.

Cousins Kristie & Arielle

Neenee and Papa.

We had a great day as a family.