Thursday, August 14, 2008

It's My Birthday

Anna celebrated her 3rd birthday yesterday and we had a great day. Enjoy some
of the pictures.

First picture being 3 years old.

Powdered donut!!

Wow, what a cake. Anna helped me decorate.

She loves her Elmo card from Nene and Papa.

After dinner fun!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Two years ago

It has been two years since Steve and I first received that long awaited phone call from Bethany. I still remember being at work and the phone rang and across the caller i.d. screen came the name Bethany Christian Services and my heart skipped a beat. What a wonderful day July 31, 2006 was and will always be for us. Our lives have never been the same!!! We are a forever family.

Referral photo

This photo was on the CCWI yahoo group site. A family who had visited the orphanage in July 2006 took this and posted it. How precious for us.

July 2007 - silly girl

July 2008 - still silly and a true delight.

We are truly grateful to God who we know handpicked this precious little girl for us. He knew all along and we thank Him daily for such a wonderful gift.

Another conversation with Anna Grace

Last week Anna was watching Reading Rainbow on PBS and it was about a woman who adopted some children from either Korea and the kids were talking about how they felt, etc. So I thought I would ask Anna a few questions of my own and here is how it went:

Me: "Where are you from Anna?

Anna Grace: "China."

Me: "Are you adopted?"

Anna Grace: "No mommy."

Me: "Do you look like mommy?"

Anna Grace: "Yes I do mommy."

I thought I would fall off the couch. How sweet that she sees no difference in how we look (not sure how much she notices) and it was a precious moment for me.

Recent conversations with Anna Grace...

After we got home from our reunion, my mom was asking Anna the following:

MomMom: "So Anna, who does Rachel look like?"

Anna Grace: "Me."

MomMom: "Who does Ava look like?"

Anna Grace: "Me."

MomMom: "Who does Anna Marie look like?"

Anna Grace: "Me."

How sweet that these girls are truly sisters and Anna knows they look familiar and share a wonderful bond with each other.

Wonderful Reunion!!

We had a wonderful time with the Zaustis's, Bogens and Nikkels. Our girls are all so different but played so nice together (for the most part). They laughed, ran, played at the beach, played dress up, played in the sandbox and on the swingset. A great time was had by all. Below are some pictures of our great time together. Thanks Dan & Nicole for hosting such a sweet time.

Get me off this pony!!

Fun in the turtle sandbox.

Ava on the slide.

Mealtime fun. Anna Marie, Linn Marie, Simone, Rachel, Ava, Anna Grace and the Nikkels' son Andrew. You think Andrew was outnumbered or what!! He was great with the girls.


The Bogens.

Getting ready for the beach.

Anna Marie Nikkel.

Fun day at the beach.

Hey, share those goldfish!!

Rachel, Anna Grace & Simone

Uncle Dan & Anna Grace having some fun.

All of our girls were in the Penguin room at the orphanage (hence the blanket).

The gang. The Bogens left Saturday afternoon due to some family coming into town. Sorry you couldn't have stayed longer.

The girls.